Liposculpture / Smartlipo
Good Candidates for Liposculpture
cheeks, jowls and neck
upper arms
breast or chest areas
abdomen and waist
hips and buttocks
inner and outer thighs
inner knee
calves and ankles
The Consultation Process
You will discuss with Dr. Simon your areas of concern and your goals. The most effective procedure will be determined and any alternatives will be discussed. Dr. Simon will spend as much time as necessary with you to make you feel comfortable and answer all of your questions about the procedure.
Dr. Simon’s patients typically return to normal activities the day after surgery. Strenuous activity is restricted for one week, however patients may return to work as soon as they like.
Dr. Simon places sutures under the skin to assure the best possible scar and avoid the need for uncomfortable suture removal.
What to Expect After Surgery
It is important to understand that the results from liposculpture may not be fully evident for up to three months after the procedure as time is required for swelling and bruising to subside and for skin redraping to take place. There may be numbness in some of the treated areas, and sensation may take several weeks to return.
Rarely, there may remain areas of permanent decreased sensation. Contour irregularities including depressions or wrinkling of the skin can result in some patients, but treatments are usually available to help minimize these problems if they occur.
Post-op Activity Restrictions
During the first two weeks after surgery, you will be restricted to sitting for only short periods of time and patients are required to sleep on their abdomen. After the first 2 weeks, sitting for more extended periods of time will be permitted (using a soft pillow for weeks 3 and 4). Overall activity is gradually increased.
You will be given an appointment to see Dr. Simon within a week of the surgery and you will be seen several times over the ensuing weeks to months.
The compression garment will be kept in place for 2-3 months; it may be removed for bathing.
Long Term Results
The results of liposuction will be permanent, as long as you maintain your postoperative weight. Even with slight weight gain, you may find that the weight is distributed more evenly instead of accumulating in the areas that were problematic for you in the past. Most patients experience a significant increase in self-esteem as they feel more comfortable about their bodies. Occasionally, a touchup may be desired to further improve an area that has been suctioned. The additional treatment can sometimes be performed under local anesthesia in the office. More extensive revisions may require a return to the operating room.